Cartoony and reflective?
Why not?
Lots of anime and manga have reflections. If they didn't, windows often wouldn't look right.
Making something reflective in Unity is as simple as using one of the Reflective shaders and then adding a cube map. The hard part is finding the cube map. You can take the same skybox you're using and use its textures, but that won't have any of your level's details in it, and also ends up backwards and can have seams if someone's looking closely. (Side note - if someone looks closely at your reflections they can almost always find something wrong with it. Go look at some Borderlands 2 reflections.)
I wanted this building to be shiny (I have a Backer Upgrade for anyone who recognizes where I took that building from, btw)
I tried building a cube out of the textures from the skybox but it was too dark and had seams:
So, shout out to Cubemapper. For $10 it's trivial to create cubemaps.
That reflection is a reflection of the building in the previous shot. You can control how blurry you want it to be by setting the texture resolution.
One thing we did on Spider-Man 2, that I don't think I'll do here, is render a reflection of Spidey when he was crawling on walls. Since you can't crawl on walls in this game I don't think I need to do that - wall-running is fast, and by the time it's over you probably don't notice that you never saw your own reflection.