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January 25, 2013


Derreck Newman

Thanks for the info. I've been having this same problem in the scene I'm making. The Animation.Update is taking up a whopping 36m before any characters are added.


My pleasure! I've heard that they're fixing the problem - in fact, it may have already been fixed in the last update.

Michael V.

I was having this exact problem while profiling for iOS. thanks for the info, this really helped.


I've encountered what sounds like the same problem. I've gone through and removed any unwanted animator components from my prefabs, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything.

As for my .FBX imports (which are from Blender), I noticed they include an animation component called "Default Take". Unity won't let me delete this, and I suspect having it there could be the source of the slow-down problem. Any suggestions?


Sorry, PipeGames1, wans't able to reproduce your problem. Just to show I really gave it a shot, though - and you can look and see maybe I'm doing something different than you meant? - here's a clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGO9-zgDMKk

Also, I've been assured that the Animator overhead problem is fixed now, so if you're seeing some kind of slowdown it might be something else.

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