Woah. Just a couple weeks after I wrote this, David was fired for making the game about his job.
Some are saying it's not that negative a portrayal of the Canada Revenue Agency, (not to mention, the game itself doesn't explicitly say that's what it's about) but - let's be honest - it is. One of my takeaways of the game is that thanks to security theater, the Canada Revenue Agency isn't allowed to help people who could clearly use it (even if they are a bit stupid.) Anyhow, a lame government agency shows itself ot be even lamer.
A lot of people seem to be rallying to help David. You can too.
You could buy his game - http://www.davidsgallant.com/igtced.html
You could vote him up on Steam Greenlight - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=116321868
You could follow him on Twitter - https://twitter.com/davidsgallant
And maybe that'll help him land on his feet.
I can't believe I haven't read that headline somewhere else.
Posted by: Brett Douville | January 30, 2013 at 10:58 AM