Welcome to New Atlantis.
Okay, caveats galore: this is almost all me, not Paul, so anything you don't like, well, it's because Paul hasn't gotten his hands on it yet. I wouldn't even have shown anything to y'all, but it's Monday and I can't think of a single darn thing to blog about. So, for my Monday post, have some screenshots.
I am having all kinds of fun stepping outside of my comfort zone and actually trying to make game art. Almost all of this is taking the toon-shaded kit-bashing idea made popular by Borderlands, mostly using assets from SketchUp, and seeing what I can do.
But one thing I wasn't crazy about was modeling streets and populating them with cars and whatnot, and then I got the idea that the whole city is flooded. (Great, now I have to populate it with boats.)
Maybe it's a coastal city after serious global warming; maybe it's some kind of man-made artificial-island city. Or both.
Maybe the building on the left predated the flood and the building on the right was erected later:
Some buildings have weird Geometry of the Future:
So, well, there you go.
Although Paul hasn't exactly given his blessing on this stuff yet, Energy Hook might actually end up looking something like this.
What do you think?