We here at Happion Labs believe in family, particularly when they can provide us free labor. Presenting Numbergun with art by Sofia Fristrom, 7 years old. And programming by Jamie Fristrom, 42 years old.
SO - this is our Seven Day First Person Shooter, or #7dfps as the kids say - and if it wasn't for the thing ending tomorrow I would say it's way too early to ask for feedback, BUT. SO. If you had just a couple more hours to work on this, what would you do?
Not only is it cute - there's the beginnings of a novel game mechanic in there.
I have nothing constructive to say, but that's absolutely adorable. Getting menaced by an absolutely silent '4' was satisfyingly creepy, too.
Posted by: Cheryltz | June 13, 2012 at 10:19 PM
I saw your post up on 7dfps and knew your name was familiar, but couldn't place it until now. I definitely thought it was cute. Dunno how much you could do in a couple of hours, but a couple of design ideas I thought of while playing:
* give the numbers different personalities, make 1 sneaky, 2 bold, etc.
* make the size of the number proportionate to their value, 1 is tiny, 7 is huge
* if you kited the numbers such that they collided, they would combine into their sum, or take the difference of their values... something
* maybe have it so that your gun starts at level 1, which can only dmg 1's, then level up after the majority of 1's are killed, etc. so that you're forced to skirt around the larger numbers until you've built up your experience.
anyway, i should stop wasting time on teh internets when i've got my own entry to complete :P
Posted by: cryptoxiph | June 14, 2012 at 08:12 PM