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December 08, 2011


James Wallis

Interesting (and gratifying) that you reference Munchausen (link goes to ebook of 2nd edition) because it's basically the result of running Once Upon a Time through Johnstone.

Munchausen starts with all the players being high-status and then the basic gameplay and the challenge mechanic are both about one-upping each other. This gets boiled down even more succinctly in the minigame 'My Uncle the Baron' in the second edition, which is all about status games.

I think it's difficult to apply that kind of structure to computer games as they currently stand, but if you look at narrative engines like Namaste's Storybricks it becomes obvious how the two could be combined.

I've often described Impro as the best book about game design that doesn't actually mention the subject, and in fact I wrote a long essay applying Johnstone's storytelling structures to roleplay in Interactive Fantasy #3 (1995) – that's not currently available but should be again shortly.

Avoid Impro for Storytellers, though. It's very disappointing.

Jamie Fristrom

That's interesting - if I was going to Johnstone-ize *Once Upon A Time* I'd keep the beautiful cards, and the first thing I'd bring in is reincorporation. Like, maybe I'd play it mostly as written, but that would just be the first act, and there'd be a second act where you'd have to reincorporate all or most of the cards you've played so far.
Actually, what I'd do is this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17BgAr0w5i3yu-4xK55Mij6qvPuafI0SmhEeOyzqZTlM/edit?hl=en_US

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