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October 10, 2011


Ben Gildenstein

It's fun following your posts.

Have you considered the Fullscreen API in chrome? Just like in flash you can request that the window go fullscreen. It would also be nice if the game window filled the whole web window.

Jamie Fristrom

I didn't know about Fullscreen - is that in 'dev' or is it ready to go?

Resizing the play area is on the to-do list.

Ben Gildenstein

The fullscreen API should be supported by Beta and Dev at this point:

You need a special flag to have keyboard support during fullscreen which would be important for this game:

This should help make 60 second shooter a brilliant full-screen game.

Ben Gildenstein

One more thing... You can test the fullscreen API in youtube. If you are viewing an HTML5 video, you can click the fullscreen button and it will go fullscreen.

You may have to use HTML5 videos by default by visiting youtube.com/html5 and signing up for the beta.

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