Hey, if you're going to PAX, there's going to be a room (Room 306) set aside for those cutting-edge indie tabletop RPG's I've been on about lately.
I'll be there most of Saturday & Sunday - come find me and get in on one of my games.
Why are these games so cool, again?
- they emphasize story over tactics; tell an entire story in one session, instead of just a single action scene
- everyone gets to contribute creatively
- no railroading - real freedom of choice
- they play fast and fluently
- and, if you're into that kind of thing, you can get your inner actor on. (But you don't have to.)
I'll be ready to run Geiger Counter (survival horror), the award-winning Fiasco (the "Cohen brothers movie game" - real actors and television producers play this one!), In a Wicked Age (bronze age face stabbing), Love in the Time of Seid (no dice!?!), or Lady Blackbird (steampunk action adventure). Come and join us.