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April 27, 2008


Darius K.

Wow, what a great game! Thanks for pointing me to it. I am very tempted to buy Slay (particularly on the Palm), but sadly, $20 just seems a little too steep.

Pat O

Slay is a great game. I think this is because it is so simple. I live in a world where 14hour miniature combat is no longer even imaginable. I do not have 15 hours to spend on a game, I play once or twice a week for 1/2 hour. Slay is a game that can be played twice in that timeframe. I would like to see more games like it. So much so that I am thinking about creating an engine for simple/tactical turn style hexmap war games (hence smallwarz.org). Unfortunately I really don't have the time to put into it. But yes, I think Slay is one of my favorite games. He has other games that are pretty good too, certainly worth a look.

Pat O


Sean O'Conner does have some great games, including one of my all-time favorites, Firefight!. He seems to have done well in carving out a small niche for himself with these kinds of games.


Nice. Your statement on breadth vs. depth is exactly what I've been saying for years. We got trashed on Marvel Nemesis for that, when we really should have just been trashed for not documenting any of the depth in the manual or in the game. You really just had to know what combinations were there in order to do them.


Nice. Your statement on breadth vs. depth is exactly what I've been saying for years. We got trashed on Marvel Nemesis for that, when we really should have just been trashed for not documenting any of the depth in the manual or in the game. You really just had to know what combinations were there in order to do them.


I've been playing Slay for a couple of years off and on.

Easily the best (or worst if you think spending time playing games on the computer is a waste of time...) £10 I've ever spent.

Account Deleted

Great!! Interesting games. Thanks for sharing. I am fond of these kind of games.
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