We're staffing up on the Spider-Man team. We need...just about everything. More specifically:
Senior Designer: We're looking for someone with level and mission design experience and a programming/scripting background to lead our future mission/level design efforts. MAX experience would be a bonus.
Gameplay/AI Programmers: People with experience who will program enemy, civilian, and traffic behavior and add gameplay features, sometimes in C++, sometimes in our C++-like scripting language.
Animators. Preferably with MAX experience.
Concept artists. Particularly character and guys who can do color.
Why work for us?
It's an opportunity to work with talented peers!
It's an opportunity to work on a game that's virtually guaranteed to be a hit!
You'll work fewer hours per week than most studios! (40/week for 3/4 of the project. Historically, we've gone up to 60 for 1/4 of the project, but we're trying desperately to fix that. We have a good plan in place for being less crunchy this time.)
If you're into Spider-Man, it's great fun creating his world!
You'll get cross-platform console experience, both current and next-gen!
Feel some ownership of your work! You're not just galley slaves cranking out someone else's spec!
Have I convinced you?
Send me an e-mail and resume if you're interested ([email protected]), and I'll fast-track it to our HR rep. (And maybe pick up a sweet referral bonus for myself!)