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March 07, 2005


Obi Busta Nobi

Not that you need it, but GOOD LUCK at GDC! Do you know if the talk you'll be giving will be avaialable to us scrubs that can't make it?

Eric Lulie

Hey, if you're at all interested in anything that Steve Jackson Games has put out (Munchkin, Autoduel, OGRE, GURPS, etc.), and you think any of it could be potentially good computer game material, you should look Steve Jackson up at the GDC; per SJG's website, he's at the conference. I know he's currently on the lookout for computer game development companies to partner with...

Slink Jadranko

Indeed, good luck at GDC and congrats on the anniversaries. This is pretty much the only other blog I read apart from William Gibson's, on any regular basis (I don't count Boing Boing as a blog per se) and it's good stuff.

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