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February 21, 2005


A. Jacobson

You're missing mine! http://rendergaming.blogspot.com, if you're interested.

Bloglines is pure joy. It's amazing what you can keep track of - even 100+ RSS feeds are suddenly manageable.

I loce the "clip" feature - I use it all the time to track other posts I want to comment on.

Obi Busta Nobi

So many blogs, so little time.


It's probably worth checking out the Habitat Chronicles at http://www.fudco.com/habitat/ .
Unfortunately I sort of lost track of them since I migrated to another machine (and did not install rss reader), but they definitely had very good stuff about 8 months ago.

Stuart Roch

Damn, no love. I sit a couple offices away and you haven't read my blog. I'll have to come introduce myself one of these mornings!

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