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December 07, 2004



It's a great feeling, isn't it?
Be prepared for even less sleep when she starts getting teeth, but when she starts saying "dada", it makes it all worth it. Hope your wife is healthy.
God bless.

Rafael Van Daele-Hunt

Wow, a well-received game, a novel, and now a baby -- you're on a roll! Congratulations, and keep it up!

Francois B.

Whish you and your wife the happiest moments with your own personal expansion pack !


Wow... Congratulations man, I wish nothing but the best luck to all three of you in the future. Not two weeks old and she's rocking knitted hoodies? That kid's gonna be stylish.

Markus Friedl

hey... congrats Jamie...


Congrats... What new perspective & energy she's going to provide!


Congratulations! Oddly enough, my third just arrived on Monday, December 5th. I hope you're enjoying all the new daddy feelings.

Obi Busta Nobi

Wow! That's awesome news Jamie! Congrats to you and your wife. You'll make great parents. All the best...

Jay Woodward

*** User Baby logged in.
*** User Baby is now known as Sofia.


But what about half-life 2? Get your priorities straight man.

M to the Vizzah

"but it should be shorter than most of the crunches I've done"

Ah haha, I'm only at 5 mo. with ours and I already know this is so not true!

Congratulations and best of luck! We're looking forward to your return here at the office.



Heeey, GameDevBlog.com, Mecca of Recent Fathers! Kudos to you all. Maybe one day I'll get that whole 'baby-making' thing right. Off to find someone to practice with...

Scott Macmillan

Congratulations to you and your wife, Jamie!

Patrick Sullivan

Hah! Congratulations man! And good day too, need more Nov 27 bday babies ;)

Scott Miller

Congrats, Jamie! I've got a two, 9 and 13 year old boys, so I know a little about the, ...um, "fun" that awaits you. ;-)


Well done, Jimmy James! She's a beauty!


Congratulations! I've now have two daughters (2.5 yrs and 9mo respectively).

Don't worry if you're not in complete all-encompassing love with her yet. Dads enjoy the part when they're older, can speak, perform and respond, than the early stages. And those are sooooo rewarding!

For the first 3 months, all they do is sleep. Enjoy this time :)


I can personally attest from first-hand observation that this is the Cutest Baby Ever.

Jurie Horneman




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